DVD, colour, stereo, 14’04’’
Photos & video sequences: Carmen Arrabal
Sally La Salida: Isabelle Garbo
Direction and Editing : Carmen Arrabal, Paris 2005

1 video-projector
1 DVD player


Simulation of the video-installation

‘Bien dans ma peau’ deals with the stereotypes of feminine representation in advertising and with its influence on the relationship of women with their bodies.
The film is made up of still shots (photographs of advertising images taken on public spaces), of short video sequences from TV ads and other scenes shot by the artist. The video is put together from multiple suites that follow the same outline: 10 photographs that represent the feminine ideal promoted by society and advertising, 2 photographs of messages concerning the body and a sequence (black & white tinged with rose) that refers to the suffering of women obsessed with living up to established aesthetic values.
A series of nearly 300 photographs, taken in 2005, conveys the idea of the social dimension of this representation of the feminine body as dictated by the system.

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(Extrait of 5')