2 TV screens TV
2 monitors
2 portable computers & recycled mouses
1 computer with flat screen, which shows the videos: Multitude #1 #2 and #3
Length 20’20’’

THE VIDEOS( total length 20' 20'', shown in loop )


DVD, colour, stereo, 7’17''
Photos: Carmen Arrabal with the participation of Isabelle Garbo
Music: LZD
Direction and Editing: Carmen Arrabal, Paris 2004

The multiplicity/unity binomial is used to build up a chaotic choreography of intrusive consumer items.
Beckoned by the images, messages, colours and infinite variations dictated by the market, our senses become overloaded or even blasé about the extent of the invasion.
Both public space and the private domain are the setting for this outflow.
This mutant diversity, the symbol of evolution, paradoxically reveals the angst of the individual: the infinity of products surrounding us also cause a certain dissolution of identity…
The video comprises a hundred-odd images of various products: food, cosmetics, medicine, construction, electric appliances, computers…



DVD, colour, stereo, 6’12''
Photos: Carmen Arrabal with the participation of Isabelle Garbo (rubbish photos), Sylvie Colin (cake photos) and Claire Mineur (Tokyo photos)
Music: LZD
Direction and Editing : Carmen Arrabal, Paris 2004

The video comprises ten sequences. Each sequence contains 11 fixed images of consumer items shown at a speed of one image per second. At the end of each cycle the images run backwards reduced in two times. In the last sequence the photos are shown relating to each other, in a paradoxical dialogue. The driving thread of the images: multiplicity/unity by means of consumer items. Their common point: to represent an ordinary product multiplied en masse.



DVD, colour, stereo, 6’51''
Photos: Carmen Arrabal with the participation of Isabelle Garbo (model photos) and Pino Arrabal (‘penitent’ photo)
Music: LZD
Direction and Editing : Carmen Arrabal, Paris 2004

Subtitled ‘the body-product’, MULTITUDE #3 solely comprises various representations of the body and the products dedicated to it.